Tuesday, December 18, 2012


     According to the news telecasted by CNN News channel about Employment Opportunities  they were saying that now a days the market is not giving  job to the person who only has good grades but to those persons who have skills on them. But  grades are also equally important but when it combines  with skills the chances of getting job is very high.

     The news clarifies that obtaining only good grade is not so important then to have skills on hands. I m studying in Islington college which is affiliated with London Metropolitan University which highly focuses on increasing the skills of students obtaining good grades setting many Educational activities. As being a student of  Islington college I also have some responsibilities towards my college so to fulfill those responsibilities I have to learn hard and improve the areas where I am weak. As in my +2  and school level there were no need of giving presentation and explaining things so I am little weak on presentation where as in my +2 level the college taught  us how to write programming but as we all know when there is fun there is no space for study in +2 level so I did and I an weak on programming too.
          So the essential and important part of me is to improve  the presentation and the programming. This two things are very important part of my bachelor level with out this I cannot be successful. This module will guide me through my whole life. The plan to improve myself on this sectors are to get serious in all classes reviewing the slides twice or more which will help me to be good on both presentation and programming.
          These are the areas which I want to improve by which it will help me to be successful in life.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Skills Attributes and Employment Development

 I'm a student of Islington college and my college provides us with good quality education and also with good modules (subjects) to learn.  As I'm new student here so now I'm learning 4 modules specialized in different areas of information Technology.
 The modules are:
(i)  Study Skills for Computing
(ii) Logic
(iii)Problem solving for IT
(iv)Introduction to programming
v  Study Skills for Computing is a module which help us to present something in front of anyone. It helps us to make our English fluent and decrease our nervousness level. It will also help us to get a good job by presenting our-self properly.
v  Logic is that module which helps us to make our mathematical problems solve easily. It also helps us to correct some of our computers errors relating to mathematics etc. And in our future career it will also help us to solve logical errors and make a good program.
v  Problem Solving for IT is that module which teaches us  how to solve the problems relating to IT and this modules also helps us to be good in logical question mostly asked in job interviews and the most important part is that it teaches all the methods that are used in solving problems.
v  And the last and the important module is the Introduction to Programming. In this module it gives the knowledge of  java programs in which we can develop new software’s, games,applications etc. And by learning this module we can be a good software developer in future.

           These are my modules in my first semester of my college and these are the things which are taught to us to make us good and successful in our future career. As "Combining all 5 fingers make a punch only 1 finger can't make a punch" same as that combining all the module together makes a good programmer single it's not that effective.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

                 I was born in 1994/07/29 in Kathmandu, Nepal. As every one has fun and rocking childhood so did i . I was very naughty as every child is in his/her childhood must have been. Except eating food and sleeping we do not have any work but as days passes by slowly slowly our shoulder are filled with responsibilites same as that i cleared my school level from Saraswati B.H.S.School and my highschool level from National College Of Computer Studies (NCCS). 
And during these 16 yrs and completion of our school & highschool level i learnt many things. And during these levels not only i studied but i enjoyed many things like bunking classes , teasing girls , throwing chalks , and making the books our pillow to sleep. And duing so much fun also we sucessfully passed out our highschool level obtaining good marks and percentage. As i passed the iron gate (SLC level) and silver gate (+2 level) now i'am hedding toward the golden gate (bachelor level
              I started my bachelore level from Islington College since oct 28, 2012. I started my                     bachelore  level choosing BIT ( Bachelore in  Infornation Technology) as the college i am studying in give us 3 specilization in BIT.
2.Networking and IT Security
            I choose Computing for my bachelore level as it gives us the knowledge for developing softwares dealing with the latest Android , IOS application which is the main reason that attractted me towards it as there is more demand of IT professionals and every year many students studies IT but less than 50% of student only join IT companies so there is high scope of employment in the IT sectors. As every common man has a same aim of being sucessful i have the same aim too. Everybody wants there own car own house and lots of bank balance and a good secure job. I'am looking for the same future for me to. As my college says "study hard party harder" its not only the saying it actually is like that as so studying here is very fun .
                          So as much as you have fun you sholuld also know the value of time as it goes it never comes back as much as you try or cry. So be hard working as well as enjoy every moment of your life .