Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Task II

Playing a role means to make some one happy, helping them in there work etc not to make them sad and unhappy and disturb them.
  1. The role I play daily are
  2. In college as a student
  3. With friends as the helper as well as teaser
  4. With family as the son
  5. With brother and sister as their friends.
  •   When ever I am with my family I feel my self as a child in front of them like a child makes noise and atlas goes with the family same as that I also make noise have fun with my family. But my intention towards the noise and fun is to see a sweet smile on the face of my parents.My life without my parents is impossible.
  •   As in the college I play the role of the students I give respect to my teachers and elders I don't disturb I like to be friendly with my teachers as he teacher is the person who gives us knowledge. 
  • Friends are the people who helps us in our work when we are in need and same as that I also help my friends not only helping them but also teasing them ragging them the reason to do that is to be close and even more familiar to them.
  • As all the world says that brother and sisters are the true friend of ours same as that I use to treat with my sister and brother help them advise them as their own friend shares my thought and ideas with them so that they don't hesitate to say any thing in front of me . 
                               So, these are the roles I play daily in my day to day life .

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Task III

Childhood is the best part of our life. Childhood is always fun and the 5 thing which comes to my mind thinking about my childhood are as follows:
(i) Eating Chocolates
(ii) Singing
(iii) Playing
(iv) Going out with friends
(v) No worries of any thing

Family is the source from which we get inspiration, help, anything which we want they don't even want to see  their children sad so the 5 thing which comes in my mind thinking about my family are:
(i) Love
(ii) Arguments
(iii) Happiness
(v) Caring

Friends are the supporters and helpers of our life they make our world happening and wonderful. the 5 things which comes on my mind remembering of my friends are:
(i) Caring
(ii) Sharing
(iii) Teasing
(iv) Fighting
(v) Helping

So, this are the things which comes in my mind thinking about my Childhood, Family and my friends.